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Current Issues
Latonya Reeves Freedom Act of 2023-2024 (S1193/HR 2708)
This bill was introduced by Senator Bennet (CO) and Congressman Cohen (TN). In the US Senate it has 23 co-sponsors which include both NY Senators. In the House, the bill has 219 co-sponsors as of May, 2024. Eighteen co-sponsors are members of the NY House delegation. As more sign on one can follow progress at https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2708/cosponsors?s=1&r=98
The purposes of this Act are —
(1) to clarify and strengthen the integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, held by the Supreme Court in Olmstead v. L.C., 527 U.S. 581 (1999) in a manner that accelerates and improves State compliance;
(2) to affirm that every individual who is eligible for long-term services and supports has a federally protected right to be meaningfully integrated into that individual’s community and receive community-based long-term services and supports;
(3) to ensure that States provide long-term services and supports to individuals with disabilities in a manner that allows individuals with disabilities to live in the most integrated setting, including the individual’s own home, have maximum control over their services and supports, and ensure that long-term services and supports are provided in a manner that allows individuals with disabilities to lead an independent life;
(4) to establish a comprehensive State planning requirement that includes enforceable, measurable objectives that are designed to transition individuals with all types of disabilities at all ages out of institutions and into the most integrated setting, if they choose that transition; and
(5) to identify and address disparities in the provision of community-based long-term services and supports.
In the words of Senator Bennet, “In the United States, over a quarter of individuals, or 67 million people, are living with a disability. In 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Olmstead v. L.C. that individuals with disabilities have a qualified right under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to receive supports and services while living in the community of their choosing. This landmark decision has assured people that they will not be forced into institutions.” Passing this bill will guarantee this as a civil right.
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Our Advocates
Our advocates are people with all kinds of disabilities, their family members, friends and people who live in our community. We care about the rights, freedoms, opportunities and supports people with disabilities need in order to live independently. We hope you will join us in our efforts.